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Five Ways to Wellbeing: #5 Give

Scientists have found that the single most reliable way to increase our own wellbeing is through doing an act of kindness for someone else. Here is the exercise: find one wholly unexpected kind thing to do today and just do it. Notice what happens to your mood. Find out more about why giving to others is important for maintaining your own mental health

Five Ways to Wellbeing: #4 Keep Learning

We often think of learning as something important for children. However, we know that learning is important for people of all ages for happiness, health and wellbeing. Why? Learning new things can help give us a sense of achievement. This in turn can help us to feel more confident, build our self-esteem and maintain our mental health. It is also good for keeping our brains healthy! Learning doesn’t have to mean getting more qualifications or sitting exams. Check out tips for how to incorporate

Five Ways to Wellbeing: #3 Take Notice

Our mind has a natural tendency to wander. It is constantly chattering away. When it starts thinking about the past too much, it can lead us to feel depressed. When it starts to worry about the future, it can lead us to feel anxious. What is the solution? Continually coming back to the present moment. Reminding yourself to re-focus on the here and now – what you can hear, see, smell and feel – can help us to feel calmer, reduce stress, think more clearly and move forward with improved wellbeing.

Five Ways to Wellbeing: #2 Be Active

Did you know that physical activity can prevent the onset of depression in healthy people? People who do the equivalent of just 2.5 hours of brisk walking each week have a 25% lower risk of depression, compared to people who do not exercise. What’s more, even small doses of exercise can boost the mood of people experiencing depression.
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